Fields of Research
- Projects: EVREST, Flottenversuch
- Energy System Modeling with the focus on storage systems
- Electric Mobility
A brief overview of the research group can be found here.
- Babrowski, S. (2015): Bedarf und Verteilung elektrischer Tagesspeicher im zukünftigen deutschen Energiesystem, Dissertation, KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe, doi: 10.5445/KSP/1000044722
Articles in Journals
- Babrowski S.; Jochem, P.; Fichtner, W. (2015): Electricity Storage Systems in the Future German Energy Sector An Optimization of the German Electricity Generation System until 2040 Considering Grid Restrictions, Computers & Operations Research (accepted)
- Babrowski, S.; Heinrichs, H.; Jochem, P. and Fichtner, W. (2014): Load shift potential by electric vehicles in Europe: chances and limits, Journal of Power Sources, doi: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2014.01.019 .
- Babrowski, S.; Heffels, T.; Jochem, P. and Fichtner, W. (2014): Reducing computing time of energy system models by a myopic approach - A case study based on the PERSEUS-NET model, Energy Systems, doi: 10.1007/s12667-013-0085-1
Articles in Books
- Babrowski, S.; Ensslem, A.; Jochem, P. and Fichtner, W. (forthcoming): Akzeptanz von Elektrofahrzeugen im urbanen Raum, in Schriftenreihe des Wettbewerbs "Energieeffiziente Stadt", Buch 4: Stadt und Mobilität, LIT-Verlag, Berlin
- Babrowski, S.; Jochem, P. and Fichtner, W. (forthcoming): Elektrofahrzeuge und das städtische Energiesystem, in Schriftenreihe des Wettbewerbs "Energieeffiziente Stadt", Buch 4: Stadt und Mobilität, LIT-Verlag, Berlin
- Ensslen, A.; Paetz, A.-G.; Babrowski, S.; Jochem, P. and Fichtner, W. (forthcoming): On the road to an electric mobility mass market - How can early adopters be characterized?, in Markets and Policy Measures in the Evolution of Electric Mobility, Springer, Heidelberg
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Babrowski, S.; Jochem P. and Fichtner, W. (2014): Analyses with the Power System Model PERSEUS-NET-ESS, in proceedings/report of the workshop "Adressing flexibility in energy system models" of the European Commission Joint Research Centre, Petten (forthcoming)
- Jochem, P.; Babrowski, S. and Fichtner, W. (2014): The Impact of Electric Vehicles on Power Plant Portfolio: A German Case Study for 2030, in proceedings of European Electric Vehicle Congress (EEVC), Brüssel
- Babrowski, S.; Jochem P. and Fichtner, W. (2014): Modeling the Ability of Thermal Units to Perform Load Changes in Energy Systems, in proceedings of IAEE Conference, New York
- Babrowski, S.; Jochem P. and Fichtner, W. (2013): The need for electricity storage systems and their allocation in the German power system, Operations Research conference,Rotterdam, Netherlands (accepted).
- Babrowski, S.; Jochem P. and Fichtner, W. (2013): Verteilung und Bedarf elektrischer Speicher im deutschen Energiesystem - Optimierung des Speicher- und Kraftwerkparks bis 2040 unter Berücksichtigung von Netzrestriktionen, Tagungsband der Jahrestagung des KIT-Zentrum Energie, doi:
- Jochem, P.; Babrowski, S.; Kaltenbach N. and Fichtner, W. (2013): Electric Vehicle Market Penetration and Corresponding CO2 Emissions: A German Case Study For 2030, in proceedings of IAEE Conference, Düsseldorf
- Ensslen, A.; Jochem, P.; Schäuble, J.; Babrowski, S. and Fichtner, W. (2013): User Acceptance of Electric Vehicles in the French-German Transnational Context, in proceedings of World Conference of Transport Research Society, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
- Ensslen, A.; Babrowski, S.; Jochem, P. and Fichtner, W. (2012): Existe-il des différences d’acceptation des véhicules électriques entre la France et l’Allemagne? – Premiers résultats de l’analyse scientifique du test de flotte Cross Border Mobility for Electric Vehicles (CROME), 11ème séminaire francophone est-ouest de socio-économie des transports, Karlsruhe, Germany
Conference presentations without Proceedings
- Babrowski, S.; Jochem P. and Fichtner, W. (2013): The need for electricity storages in the German energy system considering net restrictions, European Conference on Operational Reserach, Rom, Italy.
- Jochem, P.; Babrowski, S. and Fichtner, W. (2012): CO2-emission reduction potential of electric vehicles and their impact on the transmission grid in Germany, Operations Research conference, Hannover, Germany.