
Dr. rer. pol. Viktor Slednev
- Head of Group Future Energy Commodities
- Gruppe: Future Energy Commodities
- Raum: Geb. 06.33, Raum 016
- Tel.: +49 721 608-44461
- Fax: +49 721 608-44682
- viktor slednev ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Energiesystemanalyse
- Integrierte Modellierung der Energieumwandlung, der Energiespeicherung und des Transports von Energieträgern
- Analyse der Versorgungssicherheit
- Kombinierte Gas- und Stromnetzausbauplanung
- Betreuung von Seminaren
- Betreuung von Bachelor-, Master- und Diplomarbeiten
Utilising Distributed Flexibilities in the European Transmission Grid
Ruppert, M.; Slednev, V.; Finck, R.; Ardone, A.; Fichtner, W.
2019. Advances in Energy System Optimization – Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Energy System Optimization. Ed.: V. Bertsch, 81–101, Birkhäuser Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-32157-4_6 -
Regionalizing Input Data for Generation and Transmission Expansion Planning Models
Slednev, V.; Ruppert, M.; Bertsch, V.; Fichtner, W.; Meyer-Hübner, N.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.; Gerstner, P.; Schick, M.; Heuveline, V.
2017. Advances in Energy System Optimization. Ed.: V. Bertsch, 205–217, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-51795-7_13 -
Zur Bedeutung von Power‐to‐Gas für das deutsche Energieversorgungssystem in 2050
Nolden, C.; Slednev, V.; Ardone, A.; Fichtner, W.
2016. Kraftwerkstechnik 2016 - Strategien, Anlagentechnik und Betrieb. Hrsg.: Michael Beckmann, SAXONIA
Dekarbonisierung des Energiesystems durch verstärkten Einsatz erneuerbaren Stroms im Wärme-, Verkehrs- und Industriesektor bei gleichzeitigen Stilllegungen von Kraftwerken – Auswirkungen auf die Versorgungssicherheit in Süddeutschland
Hartel, R.; Slednev, V.; Yilmaz, H. Ü.; Ardone, A.; Keles, D.; Fichtner, W.; Eßer, A.; Klobasa, M.; Kühnbach, M.; Manz, P.; Globisch, J.; Elsland, R.; Wietschel, M.
2019. KIT Scientific Publishing. doi:10.5445/KSP/1000087897
Development of a techno-economic energy system model considering the highly resolved conversion and multimodal transmission of energy carriers on a global scale. Dissertation
Slednev, V.
2024, Mai 24. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000170863
Impacts of electric vehicles on the European high and extra high voltage power grid
Slednev, V.; Jochem, P.; Fichtner, W.
2022. Journal of industrial ecology, 26 (3), 824–837. doi:10.1111/jiec.13216 -
Highly resolved optimal renewable allocation planning in power systems under consideration of dynamic grid topology
Slednev, V.; Bertsch, V.; Ruppert, M.; Fichtner, W.
2017. Computers & operations research, 96, 281–293. doi:10.1016/j.cor.2017.12.008 -
Optimal storage operation with model predictive control in the German transmission grid
Meyer-Hübner, N.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.; Slednev, V.; Bertsch, V.; Fichtner, W.; Gerstner, P.; Schick, M.; Heuveline, V.
2017. Trends in Mathematics, (190029), 31–45. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-51795-7_3 -
Analysis of drivers affecting the use of market premium for renewables in Germany
Genoese, M.; Slednev, V.; Fichtner, W.
2016. Energy policy, 97, 494–506. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2016.07.043
Regionalization of four storylines for the decarbonization of the European power system including flexibilities
Perau, C.; Slednev, V.; Ruppert, M.; Fichtner, W.
2021. 12. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, IEWT: Das Energiesystem nach Corona: Irreversible Strukturänderungen - Wie?. 8. - 10. September 2021, Karlsplatz & Online, TU Wien -
Dynamic optimal power flow with storage restrictions using augmented lagrangian algorithm
Ruppert, M.; Slednev, V.; Ardone, A.; Fichtner, W.
2018. 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018; University College DublinDublin; Ireland; 11 June 2018 through 15 June 2018, Art. Nr.: 8442993, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/PSCC.2018.8442993 -
Analysing the effect of increasing renewable capacities in Great Britain on the regional allocation and wholesale prices
Lupo, S.; Ruppert, M.; Slednev, V.; Kiprakis, A.
2017. 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED), Glasgow, Scotland, 12-15 June 2017, 2082–2086, Institution of Electrical Engineers. doi:10.1049/oap-cired.2017.1118 -
The impact of microeconomic decisions in electricity market modelling on load flows in transmission grids
Ruppert, M.; Slednev, V.; Bertsch, V.; Fichtner, W.
2016. 2016 13th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Porto, Portugal, 6th - 9th June 2016, 1–5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/EEM.2016.7521238 -
Multi-Criteria Decision Support for Power Grid Expansion Planning
Slednev, V.; Bertsch, V.; Nolden, C.; Fichtner, W.
2014. Decision analysis and multiple criteria decision making : proceedings of the Joint GOR- and DASIG-Conference, Hamburg, Germany, September 23rd - 24th, 2013. Ed.: S. Langton, 133–153, Shaker Verlag
Global Logistics of an Iron-based Energy Network: A Case Study of Retrofitting German Coal Power Plants
Jansen, E.; Schuler, J.; Ardone, A.; Slednev, V.; Fichtner, W.; Pfetsch, M. E.
2023. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000158253 -
A Domain Decomposition Approach for Solving Dynamic Optimal Power Flow Problems in Parallel with Application to the German Transmission Grid
Gerstner, P.; Schick, M.; Heuveline, V.; Meyer-Hübner, N.; Suriyah, M.; Leibfried, T.; Slednev, V.; Fichtner, W.; Bertsch, V.
2016. Universität Heidelberg
Generation and transmission network expansion planning in power systems with a high share of renewable energies considering multiple weather years
Slednev, V.; Ruppert, M.; Bertsch, V.; Fichtner, W.
2019, Juni. 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019), Dublin, Irland, 23.–26. Juni 2019 -
ADMM based decoupling techniques for unit commitment problems considering grid restrictions
Slednev, V.; Ruppert, M.; Bertsch, V.; Fichtner, W.
2018, Oktober 10. 2nd International Symposium on Energy System Optimization (ISESO 2018), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 10.–11. Oktober 2018 -
An augmented Lagrangian approach for solving the optimal generator placement problem in a transmission grid with a high share of renewable energies
Slednev, V.; Ruppert, M.; Bertsch, V.; Fichtner, W.
2018, Juli 10. 29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2018), Valencia, Spanien, 8.–11. Juli 2018 -
Dynamic Optimal Power Flow with Storage Restrictions Using Augmented Lagrangian Algorithm
Ruppert, M.; Slednev, V.; Ardone, A.; Fichtner, W.
2018, Juni 14. 20th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC 2018), Dublin, Irland, 11.–15. Juni 2018 -
Multi-objective optimal congestion management in the German transmission grid
Ruppert, M.; Slednev, V.; Bertsch, V.; Fichtner, W.
2018. 29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2018), Valencia, Spanien, 8.–11. Juli 2018 -
The Impact of Increasing Renewable Generation on the Operational Cost in the British Electricity Transmission System
Ruppert, M.; Lupo, S.; Slednev, V.; Fichtner, W.
2017, Juni 19. 40th IAEE International Conference, Singapore, SGP, June 18-21, 2017 -
Zur Bedeutung von Power-to-Gas und Gasturbinenanlagen für das deutsche Energieversorgungssystem in 2050 = The role of Power to gas and gas turbines in the German electricity supply system in 2050
Nolden, C.; Slednev, V.; Ardone, A.; Fichtner, W.
2017, Juni 7. Gasturbunen und Gasturbinenbetrieb - Gas turbines and operation of gas turbines 2017 (VGB-FACHTAGUNG), Friedrichshafen, 7.- 8. Juni 2017 -
Power-to-Gas im Elektrizitätsversorgungssystem 2050
Nolden, C.; Slednev, V.; Ardone, A.; Fichtner, W.
2016. KonStGas-Workshop, 18. April 2016, Berlin -
Entwicklung der Stromnetze sowie des Kraftwerksparks und des PtG-Ausbaus bis 2050
Nolden, C.; Slednev, V.; Ardone, A.; Fichtner, W.
2016. Abschlussveranstaltung im Projekt KonStGas, 22. September 2016, Berlin -
Zur Bedeutung von Power-to-Gas für das deutsche Energieversorgungssystem in 2050
Nolden, C.; Slednev, V.; Ardone, A.; Fichtner, W.
2016. 48. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, 18./19. Oktober 2016, Dresden -
Impact of different supporting measures for renewable electricity production on transmission grid expansion
Nolden, C.; Bertsch, V.; Slednev, V.; Fichtner, W.
2015. Sustainability and Decision Making - Workshop of the GOR Working Group Operations Management and Environmental Management, 25.-26.02.2015, Aachen
The Impact of Decentralized Battery Energy Storage Systems on the Optimal Power Flow in Transmission Grids
Slednev, V.; Hebbeln, I.; Fichtner, W.
2018, September 25. Energy Modelling Platform for Europe: Modelling clean energy pathways (EMP-E 2018), Brüssel, Belgien, 25.–26. September 2018 -
Integration of Power to Gas Facilities into the German Power System
Nolden, C.; Slednev, V.; Ardone, A.; Fichtner, W.
2018, September 20. 4th Scientific SCI Meeting „Integrated Energy“ (2018), Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.–21. September 2018