ENSURE 2 – New Electrical Grid Structures for the energy transition
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project group : - funding:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
- partner:
ABB Power Grids Germany AG, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, CAU, DUH, DVGW-EBI, EWI, FAU, FGH, FH Westküste, Germanwatch, KIT, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, OFFIS, Öko-Institut, RWTH Aachen, SH Netz, Siemens AG, SWKiel Netz GmbH, TenneT, TU Dortmund, TU Ilmenau
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The project ENSURE examines and demonstrates technical solutions for the energy networks of the future over a period of ten years and three project phases as part of the funding initiative Kopernikus-Projects for the energy transition. The research work in the second phase will contribute to making the energy system transformation economically successful. The project aims in particular to answer three questions:
- How will the supply tasks change beyond 2030, taking into account future and changing social, economic and ecological conditions?
- What technical challenges will result from the changing supply tasks for energy infrastructures?
- What network structures and technologies should be used to meet these challenges?
At the IIP, in ENSURE II questions in the subprojects "Socio-economic analysis" and "Integrated system structures" are investigated. This involves investigating the effects of different market designs on the investment and bidding decisions of various actors and the interactions with the operations in congestion management of the electrical transmission network. Furthermore, generation and load time series with regionally and technically high-resolution for different scenarios in the electricity system of the future are simulated at the IIP. In addition to the above-mentioned question, these simulations also form the basis for investigations by other project partners at the transmission and distribution network level.