Working Paper Series in Production and Energy



Year WP. No.

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Refabrizierte Ersatzteile: Die Perspektive von Kfz-Werkstätten


Sandra Huster, Manuel Droll, Frank Schultmann 2024 No 73

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Calculation of Synthetic Energy Carrier Production Costs with high Temporal and Geographical Resolution
Uwe Langenmayr, Manuel Ruppert 2023 No 72

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Provision of Frequency Containment Reserve from Residential Battery Storage Systems - A German Case Study
Daniel Fett, Christoph Fraunholz, Malin Lange 2023 No 71

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Global Logistics of an Iron-based Energy Network: A Case Study of Retrofitting German Coal Power Plants

Erik Jansen, Julia Schuler, Armin Ardone, Viktor Slednev, Wolf Fichtner, Marc E. Pfetsch 2023 No 70

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Can electric vehicle charging be carbon neutral? Uniting smart charging and renewables

Christian Will, Florian Zimmermann, Axel Ensslen, Christoph Fraunholz, Patrick Jochem, Dogan Keles 2023 No 69
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Steelmaking Technology and Energy Prices: The Case of Germany
Anthony Britto, Emil Kraft, Joris Dehler-Holland 2022 No 68
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Wealth, Consumption, and Energy-Efficiency Investments
Anthony Britto, Joris Dehler-Holland, Wolf Fichtner 2022 No 67

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An Electricity Price Modeling Framework for Renewable-Dominant Markets

Martin Hain, Tobias Kargus, Hans Schermeyer, Marliese Uhrig-Homburg, Wolf Fichtner 2022 No 66
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Energy Behavior in Karlsruhe and Germany
Martin Klarmann, Robin Pade, Wolf Fichtner, Nico Lehmann 2022 No 65

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State or Market : Investments in New Nuclear Power Plants in France and Their Domestic and Cross-border Effects

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State or market: Investments in new nuclear power plants in France and their domestic and cross-border effects

Florian Zimmermann, Dogan Keles 2022 No 64

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Techno-ökonomische Bewertung der Produktion regenerativer synthetischer Kraftstoffe

Paul Heinzmann,
Simon Glöser-Chahoud, Nicolaus Dahmen, Uwe Langenmayr,
Frank Schultmann
2021 No 63

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On the Role of Risk Aversion and Market Design in Capacity Expansion Planning

Christoph Fraunholz, 
Kim K. Miskiw, Emil Kraft, 
Wolf Fichtner, Christoph Weber
2021 No 62

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Evaluation of Building Analysis Approaches as a Basis for the Energy Improvement of City Districts

Zoe Mayer, Rebekka Volk, Frank Schultmann 2021 No 61

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Projektmanagementsoftware und Scheduling: Aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme von Funktionalitäten und Identifikation von Potenzialen

Marco Gehring, Franziska Winkler, Rebekka Volk, Frank Schultmann 2021 No 60

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Regionalität aus Sicht von Energieversorgungs- und Direktvermarktungsunternehmen: Eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse zu Regionalstrom in Deutschland


Nico Lehmann, Jonathan Müller, Armin Ardone, Katharina Karner, Wolf Fichtner 2021 No 59

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Stochastic Optimization of Trading Strategies in Sequential Electricity Markets

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Stochastic Optimization of Trading Strategies in Sequential Electricity Markets - ScienceDirect

Emil Kraft, Marianna Russo,  Valentin Bertsch, Dogan Keles 2021 No 58

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Short-term Risk Management for Electricity Retailers Under Rising Shares of Decentralized Solar Generation

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Short-term risk management of electricity retailers under rising shares of decentralized solar generation - ScienceDirect

Marianna Russo, Emil Kraft, Valentin Bertsch, Dogan Keles 2021 No 57

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Optimal Investment in Energy Efficiency as a Problem of Growth Rate Maximisation

Anthony Britto, Joris Dehler-Holland, Wolf Fichtner 2021 No 56

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Diffusion and System Impact of Residential Battery Storage under Different Regulatory Settings


Daniel Fett, Christoph Fraunholz, Dogan Keles 2021 No 55

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The Legitimacy of Wind Power in Germany


Joris Dehler-Holland, Marvin Okoh, Dogan Keles 2021 No 54

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Public-Private Collaborations in Emergency Logistics: A Framework based on Logistical and Game-Theoretical Concepts

Florian Diehlmann, Markus Lüttenberg, Lotte Verdonck, Marcus Wiens, Alexander Zienau, Frank Schultmann 2020 No 53

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A Novel Approach to Include Social Costs in Humanitarian Objective Functions

Florian Diehlmann, Patrick S. Hemsch, Marcus Wiens, Markus Lüttenberg, Frank Schultmann 2020 No 52

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On the Value of Accurate Demand Information in Public-Private Emergency Collaborations

Florian Diehlmann, Miriam Klein, Marcus Wiens, Markus Lüttenberg, Frank Schultmann 2020 No 51

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Two-Stage Stochastic Program Optimizing the Total Cost of Ownership of Electric Vehicles in Commercial Fleets

Maximilian Schücking, Patrick Jochem 2020 No 50

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Using neural networks to model long-term dependencies in occupancy behavior

Max Kleinebrahm, Jacopo Torriti, Russell McKenna, Armin Ardone, Wolf Fichtner 2020 No 49

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Regionalität aus Sicht von Energieversorgungsunternehmen - Eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse zu Regionalstrom in Deutschland

Nico Lehmann, Jonathan Müller, Armin Ardone, Katharina Karner, Wolf Fichtner 2020 No 48

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Optimal Evacuation-Decisions Facing the Trade-Off between Early- Warning Precision, Evacuation-Cost and Trust – the Warning Compliance Model (WCM)

Marcus Wiens, Farnaz Mahdavian, Stephen Platt, Frank Schultmann 2020 No 47

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Willingness to pay for residential PV: reconciling gaps between acceptance and adoption

Phuong Khuong, Fabian Scheller, Russell McKenna, Dogan Keles, Wolf Fichtner 2020 No 46

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The Merge of Two Worlds: Integrating Artificial Neural Networks into Agent-Based Electricity Market Simulation

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Christoph Fraunholz, Emil Kraft, Dogan Keles, Wolf Fichtner 2020 No 45

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Comparing empirical and model-based approaches for calculating dynamic grid emission factors: An application to CO-minimizing storage dispatch in Germany

Fritz Braeuer, Rafael Finck, Russell McKenna 2020 No 44
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Improving renewable energy resource assessments by quantifying landscape beauty
Russell McKenna, Jann Michael Weinand, Ismir Mulalic,  Stefan Petrovic, Kai Mainzer, Tobias Preis, Helen Susannah Moat 2020 No 43

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Demand response through decentralized optimization in residential areas with wind and photovoltaics
This Working Paper forms the basis for this publication:

Thomas Dengiz, Patrick Jochem, Wolf Fichtner

2020 No 42

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Reviewing energy system modelling of decentralized energy autonomy

Jann Weinand, Fabian Scheller, Russell McKenna 2020 No 41

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Identification of potential off-grid municipalities with 100% renewable energy supply
This Working Paper forms the basis for this publication:

Jann Weinand, Sabrina Ried, Max Kleinebrahm, Russell McKenna, Wolf Fichtner 2020 No 40

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Secondary raw material markets in the C&D sector: Study on user acceptance in southwest Germany

Rebekka Volk, Christian Kern, Frank Schultmann 2020 No 39

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On the Long-Term Efficiency of Market Splitting in Germany
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Christoph Fraunholz, Dirk Hladik, Dogan Keles, Dominik Möst, Wolf Fichtner 2020 No 38

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On the Role of Electricity Storage in Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms
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Christoph Fraunholz, Dogan Keles, Wolf Fichtner 2019 No 37

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A Study on Free-floating Carsharing in Europe : Impacts of car2go and DriveNow on modal shift, vehicle ownership, vehicle kilometers traveled, and CO emissions in 11 European cities

Hansjörg Fromm, Lukas Ewald, Dominik Frankenhauser, Axel Ensslen, Patrick Jochem 2019 No 36

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Cross-border Effects of Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms: The Swiss Case

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Florian Zimmermann, Andreas Bublitz, Dogan Keles, Wolf Fichtner 2019 No 35
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Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektromobilität im Jahr 2050 in Deutschland External Link
Judith Auer 2019 No 34

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Developing a three-stage heuristic to design geothermal-based district heating systems

Jann Weinand, Max Kleinebrahm, Russell McKenna, Kai Mainzer, Wolf Fichtner 2019 No 33

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Modellgestützte Optimierung des energetischen Eigenverbrauchs von Wohngebäuden bei sektor-gekoppelter Wärmeversorgung –Vorstellung des POPART-Modells

Daniel Fehrenbach 2018 No 32

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Assessing the potential contribution of excess heat from biogas plants towards decarbonising German residential heating External Link

Jann Weinand, Russell McKenna, Katharina Karner, Lorenz Braun, Carsten Herbes

2018 No 31
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Erstellung und Auswertung repräsentativer Mobilitäts- und Ladeprofile für Elektrofahrzeuge in Deutschland


Daniel Heinz 2018 No 30
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Behavior-oriented Modeling of Electric Vehicle Load Profiles: A Stochastic Simulation Model Considering Different Household Characteristics, Charging Decisions and Locations


Alexander Harbrecht, Russell McKenna, David Fischer, Wolf Fichtner 2018 No 29
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Entwicklung eines Expertensystems für die Planung kerntechnischer Rückbauprojekte


Felix Hübner, Sven Möller, Frank Schultmann 2018 No 28

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A survey on electricity market design : Insights from theory and real-world implementations of capacity remuneration mechanisms

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Andreas Bublitz, Dogan Keles, Florian Zimmermann, Christoph Fraunholz, Wolf Fichtner 2018 No 27
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Developing a municipality
typology for modelling decentralised energy systems

Jann Weinand, Russell McKenna, Wolf Fichtner 2018 2018 No 27

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Analyse des internationalen Marktes für den Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen: Stand und Ausblick

This Working Paper forms the basis for this publication:

Felix Hübner, Tobias Hünlich, Florian Frost, Rebekka Volk, Frank Schultmann 2017 No 25

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Using automated algorithm configuration to improve the optimization of decentralized energy systems modeled as large-scale, two-stage stochastic programs


Hannes Schwarz, Lars Kotthoff, Holger Hoos, Wolf Fichtner, Valentin Bertsch 2017 No 24

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An Electricity Price Modeling Framework for Renewable-Dominant Markets


Martin Hain, Hans Schermeyer, Marliese Uhrig-Homburg, Wolf Fichtner 2017 No 23

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Evaluation von Schedulingproblemen für die Projektplanung von Großprojekten am Beispiel des kerntechnischen Rückbaus


Felix Hübner, Ulli Schellenbaum, Christian Stürck; Patrick Gerhards, Frank Schultmann



No 22

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Auswirkungen nuklearer Unfälle auf den Menschen und die Umwelt

Felix Hübner, Jennifer Jana Jung, Frank Schultmann

2017 No 21

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Photovoltaik auf Gebäuden: eine GIS-gestützte Ermittlung des Potenzials in Baden-Württemberg

Juri Lüth, Tobias Jäger, Russell McKenna, Wolf Fichtner


No 20

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Gefahren ionisierender Strahlung für Mensch und Umwelt in Bezug auf kerntechnische Anlagen

Felix Hübner, Jennifer Jana Jung, Frank Schultmann


No 19

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Technologien zur Zerlegung und zur Dekontamination von kerntechnischen Anlagen

Felix Hübner, Georg von Grone, Frank Schultmann


No 18

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Metaheuristics for online drive train efficiency optimization in electric vehicles

Tilman Apitzsch, Christian Klöffer, Patrick Jochem, Martin Doppelbauer, Wolf Fichtner

2016 No 17
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Combining local preferences with multi-criteria decision analysis and linear optimisation to develop feasible energy concepts in small communities
Russell McKenna, Valentin Bertsch, Kai Mainzer, Wolf Fichtner 2016 No 16

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Modellgestützte Bewertung des Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsgesetzes 2016 anhand ausgewählter Anwendungsfälle in Wohngebäuden

Erik Merkel, Robert Kunze, Russell McKenna, Wolf Fichtner

2016 No 15

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The impact of electricity tariffs on residential demand side flexibility

Marian Hayn, Valentin Bertsch, Anne Zander, Stefan Nickel, Wolf Fichtner 2016 No 14

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Vergleichsstudie von Systemansätzen für das Schnellladen von Elektrofahrzeugen

Johannes Schäuble, Silvia Balaban, Peter Krasselt, Patrick Jochem, Mahmut Özkan, Friederike Schellhas-Mende, Wolf Fichtner, Thomas Leibfried, Oliver Raabe 2016 No 13

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Energy autonomy in residential buildings: a techno-economic model-based analysis of the scale effects

Russell McKenna, Erik Merkel, Wolf Fichtner 2016 No 12

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Development of a multi-energy residential service demand model for evaluation of prosumers’ effects on current and future residential load profiles for heat and electricity

Leon Hofmann, Russell McKenna, Wolf Fichtner 2016 No 11

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Two-stage stochastic, large-scale optimization of a decentralized energy system – a residential quarter as case study

Hannes Schwarz, Valentin Bertsch, Wolf Fichtner 2015 No 10

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Charakterisierung der verwendeten Modellansätze im Wettbewerb Energieeffiziente Stadt

Kai Mainzer, Russell McKenna, Wolf Fichtner 2015 No 9

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On the road to an electric  mobility mass market - How can early adopters be characterized?

Axel Ensslen, Alexandra-Gwyn Paetz, Sonja Babrowski, Patrick Jochem, Wolf Fichtner 2015 No 8

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Onshore wind energy in Baden- Württemberg: a bottom-up economic assessment of the socio-technical potential

Tobias Jäger, Russell McKenna, Wolf Fichtner 2015 No 7

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Energieautarkie: Definitionen, Für- bzw. Gegenargumente, und entstehende Forschungsbedarfe 

Russell McKenna, Carsten Herbes, Wolf Fichtner 2015 No 6

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Potentials for Electric Vehicles in France, Germany, and India

Kathrin Dudenhöffer, Rahul Arora, Alizée Diverrez, Axel Ensslen, Patrick Jochem, Jasmin Tücking 2014 No 5

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A regional simulation and optimisation of renewable energy supply from wind and photovoltaics with respect to three key energy-political objectives

Sven Killinger, Kai Mainzer, Russell McKenna, Niklas Kreifels and Wolf Fichtner 2014 No 4

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How to integrate electric vehicles in the future energy system?

Patrick Jochem, Thomas Kaschub and Wolf Fichtner 2013 No 3

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Review of System Dynamics models for electricity market simulations

Felix Teufel, Michael Miller, Massimo Genoese and Wolf Fichtner 2013 No 2

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Eine netnografische Analyse der Nutzer- erfahrungen mit E-Rollern

Alexandra-Gwyn Paetz, Lisa Landzettel, Patrick Jochem und Wolf Fichtner 2013 No 1