Welcome to the IIP


Prof. Dr. Wolf Fichtner


Prof. Dr. Frank Schultmann

Deputy Director DFIU

Dr. Daniel Sloot

Deputy Director DFIU
Dr. Kristin Limbach


Institute for Industrial Production (IIP)


Campus West, building 06.33 
Hertzstr. 16
76187 Karlsruhe

+49 721 608-44460
   (Energy Economics)
+49 721 608-44569
   (Industrial Production and Logistics)

Fax: +49 721 608-44682
E-Mail: Secretariat



Chairs at the IIP



Bild Finn OhlsenKIT
The IIP congratulates Mr. Ohlsen

The IIP congratulates Finn Ohlsen on winning the Hanns-Voith Foundation Award for his outstanding master's thesis "Generation of Synthetic Power Price Shapes with Generative Adversarial Networks" in the “Innovation & Technology/Artificial Intelligence” category.

In his work, Finn developed a method for generating synthetic power price curves using generative AI, enabling better evaluation of future investments in renewable energy.

The thesis was carried out in close collaboration between EnBW, KIT-ITS, and KIT-IIP. Our special thanks and congratulations also go to the supervisors of the thesis: Geoffroy Chaussonnet (EnBW), Cihan Ates (KIT-ITS) and Max Kleinebrahm (KIT-IIP). A heartfelt thankyou to the Hanns-Voith-Foundation for the wonderful award ceremony and for offering such a prize that recognizes outstanding achievements in science.

#HannsVoithFoundationPrize #MastersThesis #EnergyEconomics #GenerativeAI #Innovation #KIT #EnBW #KIT #IIP #ITS

The IIP congratulates Mr. Finck

The IIP congratulates Rafael Finck, who successfully completed his doctoral examination on "Techno-economic assessment of market coupling regimes in future electricity systems" on June 17th, 2024.

The IIP congratulates Mr. Steins

The IIP congratulates Justus Steins, who completed successfully his doctoral examination on "Potentials and Design of a Circular Economy for Autoclaved Aerated Concrete" on March 27th, 2024.

adjunct professor PJochemKIT iip
The IIP congratulates Prof. Jochem

The IIP/DFIU congratulates Patrick Jochem on his appointment as adjunct professor. We look forward to continuing our collaboration!

The IIP congratulates Mr. Kleinebrahm

The IIP congratulates Max Kleinebrahm, who completed successfully his doctoral examination on "Future Residential Energy System Design" on February 28th, 2024.

The IIP congratulates Mr. Slednev

The IIP congratulates Viktor Slednev, who completed successfully his doctoral examination on "Development of a techno-economic energy system model considering the highly resolved conversion and multimodal transmission of energy carriers on a global scale" on February 6th, 2024.


The IIP congratulates Mr. Fett

The IIP congratulates Daniel Fett, who completed successfully his doctoral examination over „Impacts of the increasing diffusion of residential photovoltaic battery storage systems" on December 22nd, 2023.


The IIP congratulates Ms. Ilg

The IIP congratulates Alexandra Ilg, who completed successfully her doctoral examination on "Flexibility options in a sustainable power system - Approaches from different power system perspectives” on December 20th, 2023.

The IIP congratulates Ms. Oberle

The IIP congratulates Ms. Stella Oberle, who completed successfully her doctoral examination on "The role of gas distribution networks in the energy system of the future in Germany" on November 3rd, 2023.

Energy transition: energy self-sufficiency in single-family bulidings

Researchers of KIT-IIP, including lead author Max Kleinebrahm, together with partners, have investigated the potential for a completely self-sufficient energy supply of residential buildings. In the journal "Joule", they show that 53 percent of single-family homes in Europe can become technically energy self-sufficient - and this by today. Further information can be found at the following link.

Regrow Symposium Natural Resources in Digital Circular Construction

The symposium ReGrow - Natural Resources in Digital Circular Construction at the German Federal Garden Show 2023 (Buga23) took place in Mannheim on September 29. Representatives of the KIT research project ReGrow and international guest speakers gave exciting insights into their current research. In addition to the topics of design, architecture, and digital manufacturing from renewable and natural raw materials, the IIP project team contributed with a presentation on the evaluation of sustainable circular economy in construction.