The IIP congratulates Daniel Fett, who completed successfully his doctoral examination over „Impacts of the increasing diffusion of residential photovoltaic battery storage systems" on December 22nd, 2023.
The IIP congratulates Alexandra Ilg, who completed successfully her doctoral examination on "Flexibility options in a sustainable power system - Approaches from different power system perspectives” on December 20th, 2023.
The IIP congratulates Ms. Stella Oberle, who completed successfully her doctoral examination on "The role of gas distribution networks in the energy system of the future in Germany" on November 3rd, 2023.
Researchers of KIT-IIP, including lead author Max Kleinebrahm, together with partners, have investigated the potential for a completely self-sufficient energy supply of residential buildings. In the journal "Joule", they show that 53 percent of single-family homes in Europe can become technically energy self-sufficient - and this by today. Further information can be found at the following link.
The symposium ReGrow - Natural Resources in Digital Circular Construction at the German Federal Garden Show 2023 (Buga23) took place in Mannheim on September 29. Representatives of the KIT research project ReGrow and international guest speakers gave exciting insights into their current research. In addition to the topics of design, architecture, and digital manufacturing from renewable and natural raw materials, the IIP project team contributed with a presentation on the evaluation of sustainable circular economy in construction.
The IIP congratulates Ms. Sally Köhler, who completed successfully her doctoral examination on "Building-specific simulation and validation of current load profiles for residential and non-residential buildings for use in energy-efficient district planning” on October 17th, 2023.

With a delegation consisting of Florian Zimmermann, Thorsten Weiskopf, Katharina Eberhardt, Alexander Plarre, Sonja Rosenberg, Christian Perau, Sonia Alikhah and Andreas Rudi, the IIP was represented at the OR2023 from 29.8.-1.9.2023 in Hamburg. Special thanks to the organisers of the University of Hamburg, to the stream and session chairs and to all the researchers for the inspiring discussions with exciting insights into current research topics.
The Chair of Energy Economics at the IIP conducted two surveys among KIT employees in January and April, intending to evaluate support for short-term energy-saving measures. The results of the survey can be found at the following link.
The CoBiVal (Cooperation and Competition in Bioeconomy Value Chains) project, funded by the BMBF, was successfully completed on June 30, 2023. The project work contributed to closing the gap between the technical demonstration of bio-based processes and their practical implementation. For this purpose, several surveys and expert interviews were carried out, examining individual actors' perspectives and existing hurdles for establishing novel biorefineries. At the IIP, business model concepts were developed as well as new modeling approaches to consider the motivations of individual actors. The project team would like to thank all survey participants.
The IIP congratulates Alexander Zienau, who successfully completed his doctoral examination on "Public-private perspectives on supply chains of essential goods in crisis management" on August 8th, 2023.

This year's summer doctoral seminar of the IIP took place on July 27, 2023, and July 28, 2023, at the KIT Campus North. There were 18 exciting lectures in which the doctoral students presented their current research work, lively discussions, and many suggestions on how the research work could be further developed.
The IIP congratulates Christoph Stallkamp, who successfully completed his doctoral examination on „Designing a Circular Economy for Plastics: The Role of Chemical Recycling in Germany“, on July 20th, 2023.
The IIP congratulates Andreas Rudi, who successfully completed his doctoral examination on "Planning and evaluation of biomass-based value chains", treating the examination of energetic and chemical utilization of lignocellulose-rich biomass, using the example of Baden-Wurttemberg, on June 6th, 2023.

After about three project years, the DeMoBat project was successfully completed. At the closing event on April 25, 2023, the project partners presented the solutions they had developed for the automated dismantling of battery modules and electric motors. In the project, the IIP evaluated business models for end-of-life traction batteries, modeled dismantling networks, and examined the end-of-life battery market.
The IIP congratulates Marco Gehring, who successfully completed his doctoral examination on "Development and application of a material flow-based optimization tool for the scheduling of dismantling projects" on May 11th, 2023.
The IIP congratulates Florian Zimmermann, who successfully completed his doctoral examination on "Effects of capacity mechanisms in coupled electricity markets" on April 28th, 2023.
The IIP congratulates Markus Lüttenberg, who successfully completed his doctoral examination on "Strengthening Resilience of Supply with Essential Goods through Public-Private Emergency Collaborations: Challenges and Incentives" on April 27th, 2023.
The research group "Project and Resource Management in the Built Environment", headed by Dr. Rebekka Volk, at the Chair of Business Administration, Production and Operations Management has been recognized as certified KIT Junior Research Group ("KIT-Nachwuchsgruppe") in March 2023. The certificate recognizes the high research quality of the group and paves the way to further opportunities and perspectives at KIT. In consequence of the certification, Dr. Volk also got accepted as a member of the Young Investigator Network (YIN) of KIT.
The IIP congratulates Dr. Emil Kraft on winning the EEX Group Excellence Award for his paper "Stochastic optimization of trading strategies in sequential electricity markets," published in the European Journal of Operational Research. This prize is awarded for outstanding scientific work that deals with current political, regulatory, technical, or economic issues in the areas of energy and agricultural products, as well as their stock exchange trading or sustainability issues.
The Risk Management Research Group is involved in the organization of a workshop funded by the Franco-German University. This will take place with the 10th Resilience Engineering Conference, which will be held in Sophia-Antipolis, France, from June 26 to 30, 2023. The workshop is primarily addressed to PhD students, Master students and young researchers. For more information, please see the Call for Participation and Abstracts.
As part of the NOLAN project, we have published a brochure with recommendations for public authorities and private companies on the project page.
Starting on February 1, 2023, Dr. Aurélie Fleury supports Dr. Daniel Sloot in managing the Franco-German Institute for Environmental Protection (DFIU). Ms. Fleury will contribute to further developing German-French cooperation at the DFIU.
The IIP congratulates Dr. Rebekka Volk, who successfully completed her habilitation examination on "Resource Management towards a Circular Economy" on December 21th, 2022.