SeRoZen BW - Regionale Sekundärrohstoffzentren in Baden-Württemberg

Urban areas and metropolitan regions are the sources of a variety of construction waste and waste streams. Local or regional secondary raw material centres (SRCs) are urgently needed in order to treat these material flows in the future in line with a circular economy and use them to the highest possible quality with minimal transport and handling costs. This need has also been recognised at EU level and initial examples of best practice have been collected (EU 2019). 

In this project, SRCs are defined, conceptualised and evaluated for Baden-Württemberg. In addition, the investment requirements will be estimated, optimal locations identified and an optimised recycling network for Baden-Württemberg outlined. 

Financed from state funds approved by the Baden-Württemberg state parliament. Funded as part of the ‘Bezahlbares Wohnen und Innovatives Bauen’ strategy dialogue. The grant recipient contributes the progress of the project and the experiences and results of the project in a suitable form to the state government's ‘Bezahlbares Wohnen und Innovatives Bauen’ (SDB) strategy dialogue and its working formats, in particular in the thematic pillar rounds, suitable working group meetings and annual events 2025 - in coordination with the SDB office.