Dr. Rafael Finck
- Head of Research Group
- group: Sustainable Infrastructures for Renewable Energy Systems
- rafael finck ∂ kit edu
- Interdependencies between power market design and power grids
- Analysis and modelling of power systems
- Flow-based market coupling
Seminars & Thesis consultation
- Seminar "Europäische Strommärkte im Zeichen von Klimaschutz und Energiewende" (SoSe 2017)
- Seminar "Auswirkungen der verstärkten Integration Erneuerbarer in zukünftigen Energiewelten" (WiSe 2017/2018)
- Please see open bachelors and masters projects for thesis consultation.
- Research Associate at the Chair of Energy Economics since 09/2016
- B. Sc. and M. Sc. in Business Administration and Engineering: Electrical Power Engineering at RWTH Aachen University from 2010-2016
- Academic Exchange Semester at University College Cork, Ireland and INSA de Lyon, France
- Intership with Lapp Insulators GmbH
- Student Research Assistent at Institute for High Voltage Technology at RWTH Aachen University