
Dr. Ingmar Gehrke

  • DFIU
  • group: DFIU


  • Bereitstellung von Informationen und konzeptionellen  Überlegungen zu strategischen Fragen und Initiativen für die DFIU-Leitung
  • Weiterentwicklung des DFIU
  • Betreuung von Kooperationspartnern und Kontaktpflege in Lehre und Forschung
  • Projektkoordination des INTERREG IV A Projekts "Qualitätsorientiertes Flächenmanagement in kleinen und mittelgroßen Kommunen" (ein Kurzüberblick zum Projekt finden Sie hier)




  • Vergleichende deutsch-französische Controllingkonzeptionen
  • Diffusion und Adoption von Controllinginnovationen
  • Ökocontrolling






Gehrke, I. (1999), Desinvestitionen erfolgreich planen und steuern, München 1999, zugl. Diss. Universität Stuttgart 1998.




Gehrke, I., Salchli, H.U. (1998), Verbesserung der Entscheidungsqualität durch prozeßorientierte Kalkulation, in: Prozesskostenmanagement, Horváth&Partner (ed.), 2.Auflage, München, S. 115-134.


Gehrke I. (2002), Valeur actionnariale : Le "rattrapage" de l'Allemagne, Les fonds d'investissement étrangers en France. Enjeux pour les entreprises, Séries Etudes, La Documentation Française, Paris, S. 147-162.


Gehrke I., Horváth P. (2002), Implementation of performance measurement: a comparative study of French and German organizations, in: Studies in Financial and Management Accounting, 12 (2002), Elsevier Press, S. 159-180.




Kieninger M., Gehrke I.,  (1994) Prozesskostenrechnung mit PROZESSMANAGER," Kostenrechnungspraxis, Zeitschrift für Controlling, Sonderheft 1/1994, S. 97-102.


Schimank C, Gehrke I (1996) State of the Art der Prozesskostenrechnung, Index, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 3/1996, S. 34-37.

Gehrke I. (1999), "Wertorientiertes Desinvestitionscontrolling", Controlling 11, S. 407 - 416.


Gehrke I., Nappi I. (2002), Valuing Corporate Real Estate Strategies: from Shareholder Value Management to Stakeholder Management", Economie Immobilière, Cahiers du Gratice, N° 21, S. 167-190.


Gehrke I., Zarlowski P., (2003), La diffusion de la valeur actionnariale en France : une lecture néo-institutionnaliste", Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, mai 2003, numéro spécial, S. 189-205.


Gehrke I: (2003), Tableau de bord, Controlling 9, 2003, S. 503 - 504




Gehrke I., Zarlowski P. (2002) "Modelling cross national variations in management control practices: the example of France and Germany", Proceedings of EIASM 3rd conference on “New directions in Management Accounting”, December 2002.


Lorino, P., Gehrke I. (2006) "Coupling performance measurement and collective activity: The example of the changes of procurement process linked with an ERP implementation", With P. Lorino. In : Integrating Global Organizations: The Role of Performance Measurement Systems. Siena (Italy) : Siena University, 2006


Working Papers

Gehrke, I. (1994), "Sicherstellung der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Desinvestitionsentscheidungen : das Beispiel der chemischen Industrie", controlling research paper n° 41, university of Stuttgart.


Horváth P., Minning F., Gehrke I., Lyne S., Hinterhuber H., Genovese G. (2001), Value Based Management and Balanced Scorecard in European Companies – An International Comparison between Germany – Great Britain – France – Italy, controlling research paper n° 67, university of Stuttgart, chair of Controlling.


Gehrke I., Lyne S. (2002), Measuring E-business performance: some results from an exploratory European study in the New and the Old Economy, research paper, ESSEC Research Center, January 2002.


Lorino, P., Gehrke I. (2007), Coupling Performance Measurement and Collective Activity: The Semiotic Function of Management Systems. A Case Study, research paper, ESSEC Research Center, October 2007.


Beiträge zu Konferenzen


Gehrke I. (1999), Shareholder Value Analysis in Divestment Decisions: Lessons from Exploratory Field Research in Large Chemical Companies, 22nd Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Bordeaux, May 1999.


Gehrke I., Zarlowski P. (2001), Shareholder value management diffusion across organizations: a comparative analysis of large French and German companies, paper presented at the Creation of European Management Practice (CEMP) Conference on “The Implementation of Management Ideas in European Companies”, Molde, Norway – May 4-6, 2001.


Gehrke I., Horvàth P. (2001), Implementation of performance measurement: a comparative study of French and German organizations, paper presented at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Workshop on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Nice, France – October 4-5, 2001.


Gehrke I., Nappi I. (2001), Using a System Dynamics Model for Valuing Corporate Real Estate Strategies: from Shareholder Value Management to Stakeholder Management, paper presented at the Eighth European Real Estate Society Conference Alicante, Spain – June 26-29, 2001.


Gehrke I., Lyne S. (2001), Measuring E-business performance, Some results from an exploratory study in France and UK, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Workshop on E-Business and Management Control, Brussels, Belgium – December 13-14. 2001.


Gehrke I., Lyne S. (2002), Measuring E-business performance: Some results from an exploratory study in France and UK, Management Accounting Research Group  (MARG),  Conference at LSE on E-Business and Management Control, London – April 18th, 2002


Gehrke I., Zarlowski P. (2002), Modelling cross-national variations in management control practices: the example of France and Germany, 25th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association (EAA), Copenhagen - April 25 – 27 April 2002.


Gehrke I., Zarlowski P. (2002) European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), 3rd conference on New directions in Management Accounting December 2002, paper presented: "Modelling cross national variations in management control practices: the example of France and Germany"


Gehrke I., Zarlowski P. (2003) The 7th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference, Madrid July 2003, paper presented: "Modelling cross national variations in management control practices: the example of France and Germany"


Gehrke I., Zarlowski P. (2003) European Accounting Association (EAA), 26th annual congress in Seville, April 2003, paper presented: "Shareholder value in managerial discourses in France over the 1996-2000 period”.


Lorino P., Gehrke I., (2006) IGO Conference, "Coupling performance measurement and collective activity: The example of the changes of procurement process linked with an ERP implementation", Siena (Italy), 2006