Key Activities
- Electric Mobility and its integration into buildings' energy systems
- Integrated energy system and power grid modeling
Diploma and Master Theses in the following fields:
- Electric Mobility in the context of Energy System Modelling
- Optimization in Energy Economics
- Integration of Renewables into Power Grids
Please contact me for further information about current tasks and in case of any organizational questions. Own proposals for theses are welcome as long as they fit in the fields mentioned above.
- Schönfelder, M. (2013): Optimierung des Einsatzes brennstoffzellenbasierter Mikro-KWK-Anlagen unter Berücksichtigung des gesteuerten Ladens von Elektrofahrzeugen, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen (ISBN 978-3-95404-496-2, Link)
- Hahn, T.; Schönfelder, M.; Jochem, P.; Heuveline, V.; Fichtner, W. (2013): Model-Based Quantification of Load Shift Potentials and Optimized Charging of Electric Vehicles, in: Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 2013
- Nolden, C.; Schönfelder, M.; Eßer-Frey, A.; Bertsch, V.; Fichtner, W. (2013): Network constraints in techno-economic energy system models: towards more accurate modeling of power flows in long-term energy system models, in: Energy Sytems, Springer, available online, DOI 10.1007/s12667-013-0078-0
- Schönfelder, M.; Jochem, P.; Fichtner, W. (2012): Using an ANFIS based short term load forecasting model for the optimization of micro-CHP operating strategies in domestic households, in: Proceedings of the 2nd Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference (SMTDA), Chania, Crete, June 5-8 2012
- Schönfelder, M.; Eßer-Frey, A.; Schick, M.; Fichtner, W.; Heuveline, V.; Leibfried. T. (2012): New Developments in Modeling Network Constraints in Techno-Economic Energy System Expansion Planning Models, in: ZfE Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft: Volume 36, Issue 1 (2012), Pages 27-35, available online, DOI 10.1007/s12398-011-0067-8
- Knapp, T.; Schönfelder, M.; Wagner, A.; Fichtner, W.; Lörcher, A. (2011): Hybrid Electric Vehicles as Mobile CHP-Units, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies (MICRoGEN'II), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, April 4-6 2011
- Schönfelder, M.; Jochem, P.; Fichtner, W. (2011): Energiesystemmodelle zur Szenarienbildung – Potentiale und Grenzen, in: Dieckhoff, C.; Fichtner, W.; Grunwald, A.; Meyer, S.; Nierling, L.; Renn, O.; Voß, A.; Wietschel, M. (Hrsg.): Energieszenarien: Konstruktion, Bewertung und Wirkung - "Anbieter" und "Nachfrager" im Dialog, KIT Scientific Publishing, 2011
- Schönfelder, M.; Kaschub, T.; Jochem, P.; Fichtner, W. (2010): Elektromobilität und Solarstrom, in: Karlsruher Transfer, Heft 2/2010, S. 22-25, Karlsruhe, 2010
- Schönfelder, M.; Keles, D.; Möst, D.; Fichtner, W. (2010): Szearien für den europäischen Energiesektor bis 2050, in: Proceedings des 11. Symposiums Energieinnovation, Graz, Österreich, 2010
- Schönfelder, M.; Pathmaperuma, D.; Reiner, U.; Fichtner, W.; Schmeck, H.; Leibfried, T. (2009): Elektromobilität - Eine Chance zur verbesserten Netzintegration Erneuerbarer Energien, in: uwf - UmweltWirtschaftsForum, Bd. 17, Heft 4, S. 373-380, Springer-Verlag, 2009