Drone-mounted thermography for energetic district analysis

The aim of the project is to evaluate urban areas with their buildings and infrastructures with respect to their energy quality. With the help of drone-mounted sensor data the current energetic state of a neighborhood is evaluated. Based on the collected data, energy losses (both heat and cooling losses) are visible on a large scale. Hence, energy saving potentials and potential reduction of greenhouse gas emissions can be identified. Moreover, energy consumption and losses as well as restructuring can be modelled and planned and the achievement of urban climate protection targets can be monitored.


Within the scope of the project, the KIT Campus North, the KIT Campus South as well as the city centre-east of Karlsruhe will be evaluated. Drone flights have taken place in winter 2018/2019 and spring 2019.


The gained results are of high interest for cities and municipalities (urban planning and development offices, environmental offices), energy suppliers and municipal utilities, operators of local/ district heating, district managers as well as private, commercial and public entities.



Press release HELMHOLTZ: https://www.helmholtz.ai/themenmenue/news/news/news/article/28555/index.html

Press release ZDF: https://www.zdf.de/verbraucher/volle-kanne/volle-kanne-mit-andrea-kiewel-vom-6-mai-2021-100.html (from 58:20)