- Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung
- Öffentliche Güter, Public Risk
- Risikowahrnehmung
- Endlagerforschung
03/15 - 08/17 - EXPANDER:
- Eine experimentelle Analyse der Verhandlungen um ein Endlager für radioaktive Abfälle
11/13 - 12/15:
- Forensic Disaster Analysis - Modellierung und Bewertung indirekter ökonomischer Schäden nach Naturkatastrophen
11/13 - 07/14 - KLIMOPASS (Teil 2)
- Analyse der industriellen Vulnerabilität gegenüber klimawandelinduzierten Risiken in Ballungsräumen in Baden-Württemberg
- 2015: Seminar "Gesellschaftliche und planerische Herausforderungen des Atomausstiegs"
- 2014: Seminar zu Experimenteller Wirtschaftsforschung und Risikomanagement
- 2013 - heute: Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten
- 2013 - heute: Vorlesungsbetreuung "Production and Operations Management for Engineering Students" / "Betriebliche Produktionswirtschaft" (Organisation, Übungen)
- Schmidt, H.-M., Wiens, M., Schultmann, F. (2015): Industrial Vulnerability against Climate Change Impacts – An Indicator-Based Analysis for Germany and the Stuttgart Metropolitan Area. The 5th World Sustainability Forum, Basel, 2015.
- Schmidt, H.-M., Wiens, M., Schultmann, F. (2015): Models for Regionalizing Economic Data and their Applications within the Scope of Forensic Disaster Analyses. Poster session at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna.
- Schmidt, H.-M., Fath, K., Wiens, M., Stengel, J., Schultmann, F. (2014):Indicator-based methodology for the climate change vulnerability analysis. REKLIM International Conference, 6–9 October 2014, Berlin.
- Nov 2013 - heute: Akademischer Angesteller am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Produktionswirtschaft und Logistik (Prof. Schultmann)
- 2013: M. Sc. (Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen), KIT, Karlsruhe - Thesis: “Emotionen in Verhandlungsspielen”
- 2011: Auslandssemester an der University of Amsterdam (UvA), Niederlande
- 2011: B. Sc. (Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen), KIT, Karlsruhe - Thesis: “Risikoanalyse des Klimawandels am Beispiel des kalifornischen Hydroenergiesektors"
title | contact |
EXPANDER: An Experimental Analysis of the Negotiations for a Radioactive Waste Repository | Dr. rer. pol. Marcus Wiens, M.Sc. Hanns-Maximilian Schmidt |
Research Interests
- Experimental Economics
- Public Goods and Public Bad Prevention
- Risk Perception
- Final Disposal of Radioactive (Durable) Waste
03/15 - 08/17 - Expander:
- Eine experimentelle Analyse der Verhandlungen um ein Endlager für radioaktive Abfälle:
- Analyzing the negotiations on a permanent disposal of radioactive waste using experimental economics
11/13 - today - CEDIM:
- Forensic Disaster Analysis - Assessment of Indirect Losses and Economic Impacts
11/13 - 07/14 - KLIMOPASS (Teil 2)
- Indicator-based analysis of industry's vulnerability against climate change impacts in the Stuttgart metropolitan area
Teaching Experience:
- 2015: Seminars on Industrial Risk Management and the German "Atomausstieg"
- 2014: Seminar on Experimental Economics and Risk Management
- 2013 - today: Several theses on Vulnerability Analyses or Experimental Economics
- 2013 - today: Production and Operations Management for Engineering Students (Organisation, Exercises)
- Schmidt, H.-M., Wiens, M., Schultmann, F. (2015): Industrial Vulnerability against Climate Change Impacts – An Indicator-Based Analysis for Germany and the Stuttgart Metropolitan Area. The 5th World Sustainability Forum, Basel, 2015.
- Schmidt, H.-M., Wiens, M., Schultmann, F. (2015): Models for Regionalizing Economic Data and their Applications within the Scope of Forensic Disaster Analyses. Poster session at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna.
- Schmidt, H.-M., Fath, K., Wiens, M., Stengel, J., Schultmann, F. (2014):Indicator-based methodology for the climate change vulnerability analysis. REKLIM International Conference, 6–9 October 2014, Berlin.
- Nov 2013 - today: Research Associate at the Chair of Business Administration, Production and Operations Management (Prof. Schultmann)
- 2013: M. Sc. (Industrial Engineering), KIT, Karlsruhe - Thesis: “Emotions in Bargaining Games”
- 2011: Semester abroad at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), Netherlands
- 2011: B. Sc. (Industrial Engineering), KIT, Karlsruhe - Thesis: “Risk Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on the Californian Water Supply"