Reverse Logistics: Design and Optimization of a Network Model

  • The master's thesis involves the creation and optimization of a network model. Composite materials from the construction industry present significant challenges for the collection and processing of material flows with regard to their recycling. Using the example of exterior wall insulation of buildings, a network for the collection, separation, and processing of waste streams is to be designed and optimized. Existing network models from previous research can be utilized for this purpose.

    Current disposal paths involve the incineration of exterior wall insulation in waste incineration plants, which, in light of dwindling fossil resources and increasing greenhouse gas emissions, needs to be changed in the future. Therefore, a recycling network for innovative recycling methods is to be designed.

    The implementation of the network and its optimization will be carried out using "Python", so knowledge of this programming language is a prerequisite for the assignment. Additionally, knowledge in Operations Research is required for the optimization.

    The result of the thesis will be a model for the planning and optimization of an innovative recycling network for building insulation in Germany.