CIVIS: Cities as drivers of social change

  • contact:

    Dr. Russell McKenna
    Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Erik Merkel

  • funding:

    European Commission

  • partner:

    Universita degli Studi di Trento (UNITN), Aalto-korkeakoulusaatio (AALTO), Fondazione centro studi enel (EF), Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (Imperial College), Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan (KTH), Santer Reply Spa (REPLY), Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek – tno (TNO), Technische Universiteit Delft (TU DELFT), Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) 

  • start:


  • end:


Prjoect descrription:

Smart grids make current energy networks more intelligent and accessible; new ways of producing energy will soon make citizens not only energy users but also energy producers. The CIVIS project explores the potential of social networks and communities to significantly reduce energy use and carbon emissions. This is enabled by developing business models for the resulting energy value system and supporting it with the necessary ICT. More specifically CIVIS will implement a distributed ICT system to 1) manage communities’ energy needs, 2) negotiate individual and collective energy service agreements and contracts, 3) raise awareness about the environmental impacts of collective energy use, and 4) allocate energy production resources more efficiently. The project will focus on two pilot neighbourhoods located in Trento and Stockholm in close collaboration with energy companies, citizen groups and local administrations. Project partners will test and evaluate the technology, clarify business potential and estimate the impact of envisioned deployment on a European scale.