Research interests
- Energy and sustainable development
- Energy system analysis
- Combined heat and power (CHP)
- Energy efficiency in buildings and cities
- Renewable energy
Current Projects (Selection)
Duration: 10.2013-09.2016 - PLAN-EE
Duration: 07.2012-06.2015 - OUI-Biomasse
- Power-to-Gas-Konzepte mit hoher gesellschaftlicher Akzeptanz für eine effiziente und flexible Speicher- und Energieinfrastruktur zur Integration Erneuerbarer Energien in Baden-Württemberg
Duration: 11.2013-04.2016 - Technologien für das zukünftige Gasnetz
Duration: 01.2013-12.2014
Completed projects (Selection)
- B2G
Duration: 08.2010-08.2013 - Optgas
Duration: 01.2010-06.2012 - CONCERTO Premium
Duration: 11.2010-11.2013 - CFE
Duration: 04.2013-03.2014 - TIMES-HEAT
Duration: 09.2010-12.2012 - Die Weiterentwicklung der Energiewirtschaft in Baden-Württemberg bis 2025 unter Berücksichtigung der Liefer- und Preissicherheit
1. Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- Rodenhausen, M., Moser, W., Hülsmann, C., Bergemann, C., Könker, M., McKenna, R. (2016): Prüfung der Standorteignung für Windenergieanlagen: Ein pragmatischer Ansatz, Bautechnik (am Erscheinen), DOI: 10.1002/bate.201600027
- Killinger, S., Braam, F., Müller, B., Wille-Haussmann, B., McKenna, R. (2016): Projection of power generation between differently-oriented PV systems, Solar Energy, Volume 136, 15 October 2016, Pages 153–165
- McKenna, R., Hofmann, L., Merkel, E., Fichtner, W., Strachan, N. (2016): Analysing socioeconomic diversity and scaling effects on residential electricity load profiles in the context of low carbon technology uptake, Energy Policy, pp. 13-26 DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.06.042
- Jäger, T., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W., The feasible onshore wind energy potential in Baden-Württemberg: A bottom-up methodology considering socio-economic constraints, Renewable Energy, 96, 662-675
- Miro, L., Brückner, S., McKenna, R., Cabeza, L. F. (2016): Methodologies to estimate industrial waste heat potential by transferring key figures: A case study for Spain, Applied Energy, 169, 866-873
- McKenna, R., Merkel, E., Fichtner, W. (2016): Energy autonomy in residential buildings: a techno-economic model-based analysis of the scale effects, Applied Energy (in press)
- McKenna, R., Ostmann, v. d. Leye, Fichtner, W. (2016): Key challenges and prospects for large wind turbines, Ren. Sust. En. Rev., 53, 1212-1221.
- McKenna, R., Herbes, C., Fichtner, W. (2015): Energieautarkie: Vorschlag einer Arbeitsdefinition als Grundlage für die Bewertung konkreter Projekte und Szenarien, Z Energiewirtsch, 39, 4, DOI 10.1007/s12398-015-0164-1.
- Killinger, S., Mainzer, K., McKenna, R., Kreifels, N., Fichtner, W. (2015): A regional optimisation of renewable energy supply from wind and photovoltaics with respect to three key energy-political objectives, Energy, Available online 11 April 2015, ISSN 0360-5442, doi:
- McKenna, R., Hollnaicher, S., Ostmann v. d. Leye, P., Fichtner, W. (2015): Cost-potentials for large onshore wind turbines in Europe, Energy, Volume 83, 1 April 2015, Pages 217–229.
- McKenna, R., Bertsch, V., Jochem, P., Genoese, M. & Fichtner, W. (2014): Angebotsseitige Herausforderungen für die Energiewirtschaft: Erneuerbare und Konventionelle Stromerzeugung, BFuP - Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, (in press).
- McKenna, R., Bertsch, V., Jochem, P., Genoese, M. & Fichtner, W. (2014): Infrastrukturelle und nachfrageseitige Herausforderungen für die Energiewirtschaft: eine Aufgabe für die Energiesystemanalyse, BFuP - Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, (in press).
- Merkel, E., Fehrenbach, D., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2014): Modelling decentralised heat supply: An application and methodological extension in TIMES, Energy 73, 592-605, doi:
- Merkel, E., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2015): Optimisation of the capacity and the dispatch of decentralised micro-CHP systems: a case study for the UK, Applied Energy, 140, 120-134.
- Fehrenbach, D., Merkel, E., McKenna, R., Karl, U., Fichtner, W. (2014): On the economic potential for electric load management in the German residential heating sector – an optimising energy system model approach, Energy, online first,
- Mainzer, K., Fath, K., McKenna, R., Stengel, J., Fichtner, W., Schultmann, W. (2014): A high-resolution determination of the technical potential for residential-roof-mounted photovoltaic systems in Germany, Solar Energy, Volume 105, July 2014, Pages 715–731,
- McKenna, R., Hollnaicher, S., Fichtner, W. (2014): Cost-potential curves for onshore wind energy: a high-resolution analysis for Germany, Applied Energy, 115, 103-115.
- Heffels, T., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2014): An ecological and economic assessment of absorption-enhanced-reforming (AER) biomass gasification, Energy Conversion and Management, 77, pp. 535-544, DOI 10.1016/j.enconman.2013.09.007.
- McKenna, R., Merkel, E., Fehrenbach, D., Mehne, S., Fichtner, W. (2013): Energy efficiency in the German residential sector: a bottom-up building-stock-model-based analysis in the context of energy-political targets, Building and Environment, 62, 77-88, [PDF]
- Balussou, D., Heffels, T., McKenna, R., Möst, D., Fichtner, W. (2013): An Evaluation of Optimal Biogas Plant Configurations in Germany, Waste and Biomass Valorization, December 2013.
- McKenna, R., Reith, S., Cail, S., Kessler, A., Fichtner, W. (2012): Energy savings through direct secondary reuse: an exemplary analysis of the German automotive sector, Journal of Cleaner Production, 52, 1, 103-112 [PDF]
- McKenna, R., Gantenbein, S., Fichtner, W. (2012): Determination of cost-potential-curves for wind energy in the German federal state of Baden-Württemberg, Energy Policy, 57, 194-203 [PDF]
- Heffels, T., McKenna, T., Fichtner, W. (2012): Direct marketing of electricity from biogas and biomethane: an economic analysis of several business models in Germany, Journal of Management Control, online first, 1st August 2012.
- Balussou, D., Kleyböcker, A., McKenna, R., Möst, D., Fichtner, W. (2011): An economic analysis of three operational co-digestion biogas plants in Germany, Waste and Biomass Val., 3, 1, pp. 23-41.
- McKenna, R. C., Norman, J. B. (2010): Spatial modelling of industrial heat loads and recovery potentials in the UK, Energy Policy, 38, pp.5878-5891, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2010.05.042.
2. Articles in other journals and working papers
- Jäger, T., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2015): Onshore wind energy in Baden- Württemberg: a bottom-up economic assessment of the socio-technical potential, IIP Working Paper Series in Production and Energy, No. 7, April 2015.
- Mainzer, K., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2015): Charakterisierung der verwendeten Modellansätze im Wettbewerb Energieeffiziente Stadt, IIP Working Paper Series in Production and Energy, No. 9, Nov. 2015.
- Killinger, S., Mainzer, K., McKenna, R., Kreifels, N., Fichtner, W. (2014): A regional simulation and optimisation of renewable energy supply from wind and photovoltaics with respect to three key energy-political objectives. In: Working paper series in production and energy, No. 4, June 2014.
- McKenna, R., Jäger, T., Fichtner, W. (2014): Energieautarkie – ausgewählte Ansätze und Praxiserfahrungen im deutschsprachigen Raum, Umwelt Wirtschafts Forum, Vol. 22, Issue 4, 241–247, DOI 10.1007/s00550-014-0339-y.
- McKenna, R., Jehling, M., Mainzer, K., Jergentz, S., Christen, G., Soylu, T. (2014): Der interdisziplinäre und systemanalytische Ansatz des Interreg-Projektes Plan-EE: Die Energiewende am Oberrhein, BWK, Bd. 66, Nr. 9, SS. 61-66.
- McKenna, R., Heffels, T., Merkel, E., Fehrenbach, D., Killinger, S., Fichtner, W. (2013): Selected approaches to integration management for renewable energies, uwf UmweltWirtschaftsForum, Springer Online First, DOI 10.1007/s00550-013-0297-9.
- Heffels, T., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2011): Biomethaneinspeisung in Deutschland: zur Rolle der Vergasung bei der Erreichung nationaler Ziele, BWK, Bd. 63, Nr. 10.
3. Books and book chapters
- Mainzer, K., Fath, K., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2014): Ermittlung technischer Potenziale für die Photovoltaik-Nutzung auf Dachflächen von deutschen Wohngebäuden. In: Marco K. Koch und Jürgen Görres (Hg.): Wettbewerb "Energieeffiziente Stadt". Energieversorgung, Energiebilanzierung und Monitoring. Band 2: Energieversorgung, Energiebilanzierung und Monitoring. Berlin: LIT (Energie und Nachhaltigkeit, 15).
- Koch, M. K., McKenna, R. (Hg.) (2014): Schriftenreihe des Wettbewerbs Energieeffiziente Stadt, Buch 3: Methoden und Modelle. Berlin: LIT-Verlag.
- Mainzer, K., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2014): Modelle und Methoden zur Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der Planung urbaner Energiesysteme. In: Schriftenreihe des Wettbewerbs Energieeffiziente Stadt, Buch 3: Methoden und Modelle. Berlin: LIT-Verlag.
- Fehrenbach, D.; Merkel, E.; McKenna, R.; Karl, U.; Fichtner, W. (2013): Eine modellgestützte Analyse energieeffizienter Wärme- und Elektrizitätsversorgung in deutschen Wohngebäuden. In: Schriftenreihe des Wettbewerbs „Energieeffiziente Stadt, Buch 1: Gebäude und Haushalte. Berlin: LIT-Verlag.
- McKenna, R. , Fichtner, W. (eds.) (2011): Energieeffizienz: Tagungsband des VDI-Expertenforums „Energieeffizienz in den Städten und der Industrie von morgen vom 22. und 23. Februar 2011 am KIT, Karlsruhe, KIT Verlag, Karlsruhe.
- Cail, S., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2011): Environmental instruments to increase energy efficiency – Experience with white certificates in France. In: Energieeffizienz – Tagungsband des VDI-Expertenforums „Energieeffizienz in den Städten und der Industrie von morgen“, Karlsruhe, Februar 2011. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing.
4. Conference proceedings with peer review
- Killinger, S., Müller, B., Saint-Drenan, Y.-M. (2016): Towards an improved nowcasting method by evaluating power profiles of PV systems to detect apparently atypical behavior, Conference Paper, 43rd IEEE PVSC, Portland, Oregon, June 2016, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3741.9120
- Killinger, S., Burckhardt, L., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2015): GIS based parametrization of module orientation of PV-plants, Conference Paper at the VDI Wissensforum “Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft”, Düsseldorf, Germany, November 2015
- Mainzer, K., Schlund, D., Killinger, S., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2016): ROOFTOP PV POTENTIAL ESTIMATIONS: AUTOMATED ORTHOGRAPHIC SATELLITE IMAGE RECOGNITION BASED ON PUBLICLY AVAILABLE DATA, paper presented at the EU PVSEC, Munich, June 24th, 2016.
- Jäger, T., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2015): A bottom-up method for feasible wind energy potential assessments, turbine and park placement, Paper presented at the 2015 EEM/IEEE Conference, 19th-22nd May, Lisbon.
- Rodenhausen, M., McKenna, R. (2015): Creation of Incentives for Capacity Checks to Support the Development of Adjacent Wind Farms, Paper presented at the DEWEK Conference, 19th-20th May, Bremen.
- Weiß, J., McKenna, R. (2015): Analytical and Experimental Analysis of the Wake Effects on Turbines in Wind Farms to Optimize the Overall Energy Production, Paper presented at the DEWEK Conference, 19th-20th May, Bremen.
- Heffels, T., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2014): Long-term effects of power-to-gas storage technology on power plant dispatch optimisation in Germany, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Barcelona, Spain.
- Mainzer, K, McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2015) Integrating residential energy efficiency measures into optimizing urban energy system models, paper presented at the ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency, Toulon/Hyères, France, 1st-6th June
- Merkel, E.; Fehrenbach, D.; McKenna, R.; Fichtner, W. (2013): Capacity planning in residential heat supply with optimising energy system models: an application and methodological extension in TIMES. In: Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Operational Research EURO-INFORMS, Rome/Italy, 1-4 July 2013.
- Merkel, E., Fehrenbach, D., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2012): Analyse der Wärme- und Elektrizitätsversorgung des deutschen Wohngebäudesektors in einem optimierenden Energiesystemmodell, Proceedings of the Conference Energie-Innovation, Graz, Februar 2012.
- Balussou, D., McKenna R., Fichtner, W. (2012): Forecasting the development of German biogas plants until 2030; 20th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, Juni 2012, Milan.
- Merkel, E.; Fehrenbach, D.; McKenna, R.; Fichtner, W. (2012): Implementing Case-Specific Decision Constraints for Linear Optimisation: An Application in TIMES to Heat and Power Supply in the German Residential Sector. In: Proceedings of the Conference OR 2012 der Gesellschaft für Operations Research, Hannover/Germany, 4-7 September 2012.
- Balussou, D., Heffels T., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2011): Modellbasierte Analyse der optimalen Biogasnutzung im deutschen Energiesystem, Proceedings in FNR/KTBL-Biogaskongress "Biogas in der Landwirtschaft", 20.-21. September 2011, Göttingen.
- Balussou, D., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2011): Ökologische und energetische Analyse von Co-Vergärungsanlagen, Proceedings in Forum Ecology, 09. November 2011, Linz (Österreich).
5. Other conference contributions
- Ketelaer, K., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W., Kuckshinrichs, W., (2016): How do companies differ in their investment behaviour for energy efficiency? Analysing energy intensive industries with survey results, presentation at the IAEE International Conference, June 19-22, Bergen.
- Ketelaer, K., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W., Kuckshinrichs, W., (2016): How do companies differ in their investment behaviour for energy efficiency? Comparing the iron & steel and cement sectors with survey results, presentation at the ENERDAY 2016, Dresden, April 8th, 2016.
- McKenna, R., Merkel, E., Jäger, T., Fichtner, W. (2015): Is there an optimum scale for energy autarky?, presentation at the Enerday conference, 17th April 2015, Dresden, Germany.
- McKenna, R., Merkel, E., Jäger, T., Fichtner, W. (2015): Is there an optimum scale for energy autarky?, presentation at the WholeSEM Annual Conference 6-7 July 2015, Cambridge, UK.
- Heffels, T., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2014): Long-term modelling of power-to-gas capacity developments and operation in the German power system, 14th IAEE European Energy Conference Proceedings, Rome, Italy.
- Mainzer, K., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2015); Rolling Horizon Plannung Methods in Long-Term Energy System Analysis MILP Models, paper presented at the CORS/INFORMS International Meeting, Montreal, June 17th 2015
- Heffels, T., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2015): German electricity generation and storage system development under electricity grid restrictions, CORS/INFORMS International Conference, Montreal, Canada.
- Mainzer, K., Killinger, S., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W., Kreifels, N. (2014): A regional simulation and optimisation of renewable energy supply from wind and photovoltaics with respect to three key energy-political objectives. Poster. Energy Systems Conference. Energy Institute. London, 24.06.2014.
- McKenna, R., Cail, S., Bchini, Q., Fichtner, W., Percebois, J. (2014): Electricity price formation in Germany and France: theoretical and model-based analyses of influencing factors until 2030. Poster. Energy Systems Conference. Energy Institute. London, 24.06.2014.
- Merkel, E., Fehrenbach, D., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2013): Modellgestützte Untersuchung der Wärme- und Elektrizitätsversorgung des deutschen Wohngebäudesektors. Tagungsband des Workshops „OR im Umweltschutz“ der Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V.,07.-08.03.2013, Karlsruhe.
- Fehrenbach, D., Merkel, E., Karl, U., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2013): On the role of the residential heating sector in the energy transition in Germany – an optimising energy system model approach in TIMES. Conference paper for the International Energy Workshop 2013 in Paris.
- Fehrenbach, D.; Merkel, E.; Karl, U.; McKenna, R.; Fichtner, W. (2013): Model-based evaluation of the economic potential of innovative residential heating technologies in TIMES. In: Proceedings of the 13th European IAEE Conference, Düsseldorf/Germany, 19 August 2013.
- McKenna, R., Fehrenbach, D., Merkel, E., Parrilla, J., Fichtner, W. (2011): Modelling of the German domestic heat sector in TIMES, paper presented at the 34th IAEE conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2011.
- Möst, D., Genoese, M., McKenna, R., Fichtner, W. (2010): The impact of renewable capacities on the conventional German power plant system in 2030, presented at the 11th IAEE European Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, August 2010.
6. Other publications
- Short (about 100 words) articles for the “Gabler Lexikon Wirtschaftspolitik”[Gabler Economic Policy Lexicon] 2013 including:
- Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) [German Renewable Energy Law]
- Energiebilanz [Energy Balance]
- Internationale Energieagentur [International Energy Agency]
- Energieeinsparung [Energy Saving]
- Erneuerbare Energieträger [Renewable Energies]
- Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung (KWK) [Combined-Heat-and-Power (CHP)]
- Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungs-Gesetz (KWK-G) [Combined-Heat-and-Power Law (CHP-L)]
A summary of teaching activities follows:
- New lecture “Renewable Energy – Resources, Technologies & Economics”, wince Winter Semester 2010
- New lecture “Efficient Energy Systems and Electric Mobility” (EESEM), since Summer Semester 2010
- “Integration of Energy Systems and Electric Mobility”, Lecture at the Hector School in the context of the degree “Energy Engineering and Management”, since 2014
- Development and supervision of the online degree “Energy Economics” at the Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning at the KIT, since 2015
- Summer Schools in the energy field:
- Contribution “Current and Future Energy Systems” fort he Smart Energy Systems & Entrepreneurship Summer School, KIT, Karlsruhe, Summer 2015
- Organisation and supervision of the EUCOR Summer School about a Sustainable Energy System for the Upper Rhine Region, Bad Herrenalb, Summer 2014
- Contribution “Renewable energies: political support mechanisms and market integration”, for the Clean Tech Innovation & Entrepreneurship Master, ESADE, Barcelona, May 2012
- Representing colleagues in individual courses in Energy Economics
- Conception and supervision of different training courses in energy economics, 2011-2014
- Diverse Seminars (with internal and external colleagues):
- "Energieeffizienz in der Wärmeversorgung", Wintersemester 2010/11
- "Einbindung von Biogas in das deutsche Energiesystem" (Heffels, Balussou), Sommersemester 2011
- "Industrielle Energieeffizienz" (Kessler, EnBW), Wintersemester 2011/12
- "Economic Aspects of Renewable Energy Technologies" (Mainzer), Sommersemester 2012
- "Energieeffizienz in Deutschland: Potenziale, Kosten und Szenarien" (Seitz, Mainzer, Merkel, Cail), Wintersemester 2012/13
- "Bürger und Energie: Akzeptanz von erneuerbaren Energien, insbesondere Bioenergien" (Balussou, Herbes, Pustisek), Wintersemester 2012/13
- "What are the real costs and benefits of renewable energies?" (Bidart), Sommersemester 2014
- “Energieeffizienz im Gebäudebestand in der Karlsruher Oststadt“ (Mainzer, Naber), im Rahmen des „Reallabor“-Projekts, Wintersemester 2015/16
- Tutorials: IBWL und IBA, Winter Semester 2010-2012
Curriculum vitae
- Since 2010: Research Group Leader at the Institut for Industrial Production (IIP) and German-French Institute for Environmental Research (DFIU), Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT)
- 2009-2010: Research Officer in the Research Group „Energy System Analysis“ at the Institut for Industrial Production (IIP) and German-French Institute for Environmental Research (DFIU), Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT)
- 2005-2009: PhD in the Departments of Engineering and Economics at the University of Bath, UK
- 2001-2005: MEng Aerospace Engineering with German at the University of Bath, UK