Models in the research group

The following models are used and developed in the research group:


model profile NukPlaRStoR

model name

NukPlaRStoR: Development of a user-friendly cost-optimizing planning tool for nuclear dismantling projects taking into account material flows for resource planning

developed for

Dissertation by Marco Gehring

BMBF-funded research project: Development of a user-friendly cost-optimizing planning tool for nuclear dismantling projects taking into account material flows for resource planning

grant number: 15S9414A

Addressee/user: Persons responsible for planning material flow-intensive projects; in particular: Operators of nuclear facilities or dismantling companies of nuclear facilities.

Problem: Determining a makespan or cost optimal project schedule subject to bottlenecks in material processing and other resource constraints

model capabilities

(Calculation) results / model outputs: Makespan or cost optimal project schedule, i.e., information about the start times of all activities in the work breakdown structure and information about resource and storage load profiles

Method used: Material flow-based extension of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP)

Constraints: Temporal constraints (e.g., "activity A must end before activity B can start"); renewable resource constraints (e.g., limited availability of staff or machines); nonrenewable resource constraints (e.g., limited availability of raw material or funding); cumulative resource constraints (e.g., limited availability of storage space); alternative execution modes for activities (e.g., execution with internal or external staff); fixed or preferred start times of activities

input data

Required data: Work breakdown structure, i.e., project broken down into activities; information about resource requirements and temporal relations of activities; information about released material flows by activities; capacities of resources (optional)

Possible other settings: selection of different objectives; bicriterial optimization; variable resource capacities over the planning horizon; feasibility and plausibility checks of input data

realisation / implementation

Java program with API; offered as software product OPTIRA by our project partner RODIAS GmbH since mid 2020

R&D future development areas

Interfacing with models for logistic optimization and building information modeling (BIM) software

publications regarding the model




contact persons

Marco Gehring (marco.gehring∂

Rebekka Volk (rebekka.volk∂



model profile AWOHM

model name

AWOHM: Agent-based Residential Building and Household Model

developed for

Dissertation by Julian Stengel

BMBF project
From climate protection concept to target group-oriented restructuring offensive: strategies, solutions and model examples for dynamic communities

grant number: 01UT1421C

Addressee/user: Policy makers

Problem: Evaluation of environmental policy instruments in the field of energy-efficient renovation of residential buildings

model capabilities

(Calculation) results / model outputs: SO2, NOx, PM and CO2 emissions from residential buildings, identification of energy efficiency potentials and the economic and social effects on households (owners and tenants)

Method used: Bottom-up agent-based simulation model

Restrictions: Details and further literature ISBN 9783731502364

input data

Required data: Details and further literature ISBN 9783731502364

Possible other settings: Details and further literature ISBN 9783731502364

realisation / implementation


R&D future development areas

Dissertation by Elias Naber

publications regarding the model

  • Hiete, M.; Brengelmann, S.; Hahne, U.; Kallendrusch, S.; Köckler, H.; Lee, J.; Lützkendorf, T.; Marquart, C.; Matovelle, A.; Naber, E.; Neumann, U.; Rauschen, M.; Schultmann, F. 2017. Energetische Sanierung von Wohngebäuden im Quartier - zielgruppenspezifische Instrumente Informationen zur Raumentwicklung [Energetic refurbishment of residential buildings in the neighbourhood - target group-specific instruments Information on spatial development], (4), 52-67


  • Naber, E.; Volk, R.; Schultmann, F. 2017. From the Building Level Energy Performance Assessment to the National Level: How are Uncertainties Handled in Building Stock Models Procedia engineering, 180, 1443-1452. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.04.30


contact persons

Elias Naber (elias.naber∂

Rebekka Volk (rebekka.volk∂



model profile ECCO-Tools

model name

ECCO-Tools: Evaluation tools to Compare CO2 emissions of the iron, aluminium and plastics industry

developed for

Dissertations of Richard Müller and Andreas Schiessl

Project consortium of the automotive industry

Addressee/user: Decision makers in procurement departments of automotive OEMs and their suppliers

Problem: Plant-specific calculation of greenhouse gas emissions (in CO2eq.) of raw material manufacturers from the fields of primary and secondary steel, primary and secondary aluminium and selected plastics such as polypropylene, TDI (for polyurethane) and caprolactam (for polyamide6).

model capabilities

(Calculation) results / model outputs:

  • Plant-specific estimation of greenhouse gas emissions of material manufacturers
  • Generic model structure with a transferable calculation methodology to all plants worldwide

Methods used: Hybrid LCA (combined bottom-up and top-down approach), input-output analysis

input data

  • Best Available Technique Documents of the EU (EU BAT)
  • The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (EPRTR)
  • EU Emissions Trading System (EUETS)  
  • plant facts
  • EU Patent Office
  • Group reports (annual reports, sustainability reports)
  • Statistical Yearbooks of the Iron and Steel Industry
  • power plant database
  • International energy agency: Data on the chemical and
  • petrochemical sector
  • Plastics europe
  • Ecoinvent V2.2 

realisation / implementation


R&D future development areas

  • Expanding the database in order to be able to evaluate Chinese manufacturers
  • Transfer of the site-specific approach to other LCA impact categories   

publications regarding the model


contact persons

Richard Müller (richard.mueller∂

Rebekka Volk (rebekka.volk∂



model profile MogaMaR

model name

MogaMaR: Model development of a holistic project management system for nuclear dismantling project

developed for

Dissertation by Felix Hübner

BMBF-funded research project MogaMaR: Model development of a holistic project management system for nuclear dismantling projects

grant number: 02S9113A

Addressor/user: Operators of nuclear facilities or decommissioning companies of nuclear facilities

Problem: Mastering the complexity of decommissioning planning for nuclear facilities to identify a cost-optimized decommissioning plan

model capabilities

(Calculation) results / model outputs: Cost-optimised decommissioning plan for a nuclear (sub)project with resulting optimal sequence and start times of the project tasks as well as the used resources and their capacity

Method used: Scheduling method from Operations Research (Resource-constrained project scheduling problem)

Restrictions: In MogaMaR a dismantling plan with minimal duration is calculated, which is also cost-minimal due to the single-mode case. Different modes (alternative ways of executing operations, for example, using alternative resources) are not taken into account. Material flows and buffer stocks are also not taken into account in the model.

input data

Required data:

  • Specification of the project tasks to be performed (names, technical precedences to other tasks, task duration)
  • resource demand of tasks

Possible other settings: None

realisation / implementation

MATLAB with Excel-import and -export

R&D future development areas

After completion of the project, the model was extended to the multi-mode case as part of Felix Hübner's dissertation. Therefore, the objective function and constraints were adjusted so that the project costs are (directly) minimized (not the project duration).

Future developments include the addition of material flows, buffer storage, a user-friendly user interface, and the expansion of an expert system for the systematic collection of experience data of the operational decommissioning of nuclear facilities on site.

publications regarding the model

contact persons

Felix Hübner (felix.huebner∂

Rebekka Volk (rebekka.volk∂



model profile otello

model name

otello: Integrated, optimizing evaluation and allocation model for national emission management

developed for

BMBF-funded project: „Development of an integrated, optimizing evaluation and allocation model for national emission management“

grant number: 01UN0603

Addressee/user: Policy makers

Problem: Evaluation of environmental policy instruments with regard to ecological and overall economic effects

model capabilities

(Calculation) results / model outputs: SO2, NOx, PM and CO2 - emissions from the transport, industrial, energy supply and residential sectors

Method used: input-output model, various sub-models integrated into one model system

Restrictions: Details and further literature ISBN 978 3 86644 853 7

input data

Required data: Details and further literature ISBN 978 3 86644 853 7

Possible other settings: Details and further literature ISBN 978 3 86644 853 7

realisation / implementation


R&D future development areas


publications regarding the model

  • Breun, P.; Comes, T.; Doll, C.; Fröhling, M.; Hiete, M.; Ilsen, R.; Krail, M.; Lützkendorf, T.; Schultmann, F.; Stengel, J.; Unholzer, M. (2012): National Integrated Assessment Modelling zur Bewertung umweltpolitischer Instrumente – Entwicklung des otello-Modellsystems und dessen Anwendung auf die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Karlsruhe: Produktion und Energie ; 1, KIT Scientific Publishing, p. 225-345.


  • Stengel, J.; Unholzer, M., Hiete, M.; Lützkendorf, T.; Schultmann, F. (2012): Teil III. - Wohngebäude. In Breun, P.; Comes, T.; Doll, C.; Fröhling, M.; Hiete, M.; Ilsen, R.; Krail, M.; Lützkendorf, T.; Schultmann, F.; Stengel, J.; Unholzer, M.: National Integrated Assessment Modelling zur Bewertung umweltpolitischer Instrumente – Entwicklung des otello-Modellsystems und dessen Anwendung auf die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing, p. 225-345.
  • Hiete, M.; Stengel, J.; Schultmann, F. (2011): Simulating energy demand and emissions of the residential building stock in Germany by taking occupant characteristics into account. In SB11 Helsinki World Sustainable Building Conference, Helsinki, 9 p.
  • Breun, P.; Comes, T.; Doll, C.; Fröhling, M.; Hiete, M.; Ilsen, R.; Krail, M.; Lützkendorf, T.; Schultmann, F.; Stengel, J.; Unholzer, M. (2011): otello - ein Nationales Integriertes Assessment Modell, Methodischer Ansatz und Ergebnisse, Endbericht zum Forschungsprojekt „Entwicklung eines integrierten, optimierenden Bewertungs- und Allokationsmodells für ein nationales Emissionsmanagement (otello)“ im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) [otello - a National Integrated Assessment Model, Methodological Approach and Results, Final Report on the Research Project "Development of an Integrated, Optimizing Assessment and Allocation Model for National Emissions Management (otello)" on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)], 01UN0603, 401 p.
  • Comes, T.; Doll, C.; Fröhling, M.; Hiete, M.; Ilsen, R.; Krail, M.; Lützkendorf, T.; Schultmann, F.; Stengel, J.; Unholzer, M. (2010): Challenges for national clean air policy. Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 02/2010, p. 34-37.
  • Comes, T.; Doll, C.; Fröhling, M.; Hiete, M.; Ilsen, R.; Krail, M.; Lützkendorf, T.; Schultmann, F.; Stengel, J.; Unholzer, M. (2010): Supporting Clean Air Policy in Germany – the Integrated Assessment Model otello. In International Society for Ecological Economics Conference (ISEE 2010), Oldenburg und Bremen.

contact person

Rebekka Volk (rebekka.volk∂



model profile ResourceApp

model name


developed for

dissertation by Rebekka Volk

BMBF-funded project: Development of a mobile system to capture and tab resource efficiency potentials in deconstruction of infrastructure and products

grant number: 033R092C

Addressor/User: Deconstruction and demolition companies

Problem: Urban mining in buildings and infrastructure and mastering the uncertainty of deconstruction planning to find a time-optimized deconstruction plan

model capabilities

(Calculation) results / model outputs: Time-optimized project plan for the deconstruction of residential or non-residential buildings, with identified sequence and start times of the project tasks as well as the used resources

Method used: Scheduling method from Operations Research (Resource-constrained project scheduling problem); scenarios; robustness measures

Restrictions: increased computing times in case of large projects with a high number of project tasks

input data

Required data:

  • Processed sensor data with components in .csv format
  • Parameters by the user with regard to building component specifications

Possible other settings: Number of scenarios

realisation / implementation

MATLAB with graphical user interface and MS Excel data import

R&D future development areas

  • Extension of application tests
  • Extension to all non-residential building types and to specific, previously not considered component groups such as ventilation systems, elevators, special fixtures, etc.
  • Extension to refurbishment projects in existing buildings

publications regarding the model

  • Volk, R.; Luu, T. H.; Mueller-Roemer, J. S.; Sevilmis, N.; Schultmann, F. (2018). Deconstruction project planning of existing buildings based on automated acquisition and reconstruction of building information, Automation in construction, 91, 226-245. doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2018.03.017
  • Volk, R. (2017). Proactive-reactive, robust scheduling and capacity planning of deconstruction projects under uncertainty. Dissertation. KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe. doi:10.5445/KSP/1000060265
  • Volk, R.; Sevilmis, N.; Stier, C.; Bayha, A. (2016): ResourceApp – Entwicklung eines mobilen Systems zur Erfassung und Erschließung von Ressourceneffizienzpotenzialen beim Rückbau von Infrastruktur und Produkten. Innovative Technologien für Ressourceneffizienz – Strategische Metalle und Mineralien [ResourceApp – Entwicklung eines mobilen Systems zur Erfassung und Erschließung von Ressourceneffizienzpotenzialen beim Rückbau von Infrastruktur und Produkten. Innovative Technologien für Ressourceneffizienz – Strategische Metalle und Mineralien]. Hrsg.: A. Dürkoop, C. Brandstetter, G. Gräbe, L. Rentsch, 389-404, Fraunhofer Verl., Stuttgart

contact person

Rebekka Volk (rebekka.volk∂



model profile StAR-Bau

model name

StAR: Integrated stakeholder and resource flow model

developed for

Project StAR-Bau: Material flow and stakeholder Model for an active resource management in the construction industry of Baden-Wuerttemberg

Supported by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation,

grant number : NABau 6

Addressee/user: Policy makers

Problem: Evaluation of environmental policy instruments to increase the conservation of resources in the building industry of Baden-Württemberg

model capabilities

(Calculation) results / model outputs:

  • Material flows and inventories of buildings and infrastructures (district specific)
  • Future district specific material flows of buildings and infrastructures projection until 2030, taking into account political measures, stakeholder decisions and their interactions
  • Evaluation of the 31 most important groups of measures with regard to resource conservation

Methods used: material flow analysis, bottom-up simulation

input data

  • Reference buildings from literature
  • Synthetic buildings of the IÖR database
  • Construction activity statistics and other regional statistics on employees, etc.
  • Census data set 2011
  • Surveys of stakeholders (80 responses)

realisation / implementation

Excel VBA

R&D future development areas

Integration of an economic component in order to compare the suitability for resource conservation of a political measure with the financial expenditure.

publications regarding the model

Müller, R. C.; Schamber, O.; Volk, R.; Schultmann, F. (2017): A Stakeholder-Based Assessment Model (SAM) for Resource -Efficiency Measures in the Construction Industry. Proceedings of the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 : Transforming Our Built Environment through Innovation and Integration : Putting Ideas into Action, Hong Kong, 5-7 June 2017, 833-839, HKGBC, Hong Kong

contact persons

Rebekka Volk (rebekka.volk∂

Richard Müller (richard.mueller∂